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The X Factor - Torso Rotation 
X_FactorOne of the first tests we take golfers through during the TPI assessment is the Torso Rotation Test.  This test looks at the golfer’s ability to rotate the upper body independently from the lower body, or dissociate.  This is an important skill for properly sequencing the backswing and generating a good separation or coil.  This is the “X-Factor”, creating the whip-like action in your swing and one of the key factors in power generation.

For the test, start in a normal “five-iron posture” and then cross your arms across your chest.  Without moving your lower body, rotate your upper body back and forth.  The goal of the test is to rotate your shoulders/upper body to your backswing and to follow through without moving your lower body.  Perform the test slowly and in a controlled manner.  Many people think this is a very simple movement, but in fact it is actually a very complex movement to have the mobility and the coordination to separate the movements.  If we have difficulty with this test then we need to figure out if it's a mobility or a stability problem, which we do through additional assessments. 

If it's a mobility problem, it can be coming from joint restrictions in the thoracic or cervical spine or it can be caused by restrictions in the muscles or fascia surrounding your trunk.  You can find some of the corrective exercises for mobility issues in a lot of the other articles and posts from previous weeks.

Stability problems can arise from never training the lower body stability in conjunction with upper body movements.  In other words, if the golfer trains using machines where the machine acts as a stabilizer versus their own muscles, then limited stability can be seen.  This is a big reason why we generally only use free weights and cable machines in our training programs.  If you have to stabilize your body while performing an exercise then you can be working on dissociation while working different muscle groups.

A great way to work on dissociation is to do pattern assisted exercises.  Oftentimes we see golfers just simply don’t know how to use their muscles to achieve the desired movement.  If we can assist that pattern then it can teach the body how to move.  In this case, we want to help the golfer stabilize their lower body.  Take a band and put it around your knees.  Once you get into your golf posture position, gently provide outward pressure with your knees on the band.  This helps engage your muscles around your pelvis, hips, and legs which help stabilize.  Once you have done that start to rotate your upper back and forth while keeping the lower body nice and quiet.

Start working on this dissociation and you will see your sequencing and your transfer of power improve!  

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