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Hip Hinge Advanced Progressions

The hip hinge is one of the most fundamental movements for normal activities of daily living but also extremely important for the golf swing.  The hip hinge involves a controlled bending at the hips by pushing the butt backwards and keeping the spine straight, followed by extension of the hips (thrusting the butt forward) to come back upright.  The most common exercise that involves the hip hinge is the deadlift.  Done correctly, the hip hinge is very physically demanding.  It involves mobility, flexibility, and strength throughout the entire body.

Hip_Hinge1 Kettlebell Hip Hinge

Starting the progression from a square stance position, we can add load by using either a barbell or kettlebell. From the starting position with a slight knee bend, push the hips backwards while keeping the chest up. 
From there, pick up the weight with both hands and stand up to vertical, bracing the core and keeping your arms straight. Hinge back down with the weight and keep the back flat. For strength purposes, the recommended rep range is 8-12. 


2. Single Arm Kettlebell Hip Hinge

Moving up in the progression to a square stance with one arm using one kettlebell or dumbbells, keep the same posture as the first progression.  Use the offhand as a counter balance by moving it away from the body and still bracing the core.

Single_Leg_-_Single_Arm3. Single Leg Single Arm KB Hip Hinge
Next in the progression, move to a single leg with the weight held on the same side as the standing leg. This ipsilateral movement challenges balance but keeps the weight stacked.The final progression is single leg stance with the weight in the hand of the floating leg. Keep the body square when hinging-This is a contralateral movement and forces anti-rotation through the core and challenges the body with proper hinge pattern, proprioception, and core engagement.  

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